Sarah Cohan - Relationship Expert & Coach

In the realm of relationships, guidance can be the compass that leads to transformative change. Enter Sarah Cohan, a certified integrated attachment coach and somatic experiencing practitioner, dedicated to helping individuals break free from old relationship patterns. Her mission? Empowering people to navigate secure connections by shedding the shackles of people-pleasing and codependency. We worked together over 10 years ago at a SF based non profit.

With a specialized focus on dismantling ingrained habits, Sarah's approach is holistic and transformative. As a certified integrated attachment coach and somatic experiencing practitioner, she brings a unique blend of psychological and somatic expertise to the table. This combination allows her clients not only to understand their relationship dynamics on a cognitive level but also to embody lasting change on a deeper, physical level.

Sarah extends her impactful reach through the "Lit AF" podcast, where she delves into thought-provoking discussions on dating, boundary communication, attachment styles, and the intricacies of long-term relationships. It's a space where listeners find not only practical advice but also a sense of community in the shared journey of navigating modern relationships.

Her coaching philosophy centers around empowering individuals to show up confidently in healthy relationships. By unraveling limiting patterns and fostering a secure sense of self, Sarah's clients learn to authentically navigate the complexities of connection. It's about understanding and embracing personal needs and boundaries, a journey toward establishing and maintaining fulfilling connections.

Embark on this journey with Sarah Cohan, a beacon of guidance in a world where relationships can be both beautiful and challenging. Whether through her certifications, the insightful "Lit AF" podcast, or the treasure trove of free tools on her website, Sarah's impact resonates. For those seeking transformative change in relationships, consider joining hands with Sarah, the coach dedicated to helping you navigate the path to healthier, more fulfilling connections.